More than sixty years ago, forward-thinking community members had a vision for a medical school in San Antonio. What began with a gift of a 100 acre dairy farm has become the internationally renowned UT Health Science Center San Antonio- a thriving health sciences university with exceptional schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry, health professions, and graduate biomedical sciences. Gifts may be designated to support an area meaningful to you, such as scholarships for students, crucial research to discover cures for diseases that may have touched your own family, improvements in community health, or recruitment of exceptional faculty.
Every gift has a meaningful impact, improving the lives of others and the health of generations to come. Join us by including UT Health San Antonio in your plans. Together, we will continue to make lives better.
Members of the Laureate Society share a strong common bond of generosity and visionary leadership, nourishing the university's continued success. We welcome the opportunity to recognize and honor your generosity that will have a lasting impact helping to make lives better for future generations. You may direct your gift to the programs and initiatives that are the most meaningful to you.
As a member, you will receive:
You receive membership in the Laureate Society when you indicate that you have made an estate gift to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Download Estate Intention LetterThe Laureate Society was established to acknowledge and pay tribute to those who have chosen to make gifts to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio through a variety of estate planning vehicles such as bequests, beneficiary designations life income gifts and insurance policies.
Educating the next generation of health care professionals
Providing scholarships to outstanding students
Conducting innovative, lifesaving research
Transforming breakthrough discoveries into improved patient care
Providing advanced services and compassionate care
Improving the health of residents locally and globally
Annabelle Jones lives to improve the future of the next generations. Retired after 33 years of serving children as an elementary schoolteacher, she continues to make a difference in children's lives by reading with them at her local library and working on projects in her community to help create a healthy future. Annabelle's spirit was tested when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in (what year?). Fueled by her inherent courage and devotion to her health, her job and her family in her hometown of San Angelo, Annabelle sought the expertise and a second opinion from physicians at the Mays Cancer Center where she decided to undergo treatment.
"At the Mays Cancer Center I felt I received kind, generous and professional care that fit my needs." Annabelle beat breast cancer and believes research played a major role in her survival. "Research is the key to unlocking life's mysteries. There have been so many advances in breast cancer treatment since I was diagnosed."
She knows that each contribution to vital research can make the dream of curing cancer a reality. So Annabelle made the decision to leave a gift in her will to the Mays Cancer Center to be used for breast cancer research.
"I am just a retired schoolteacher, but I believe we are all in the same boat, and each of us needs to do what we can to help row the boat. I strongly believe we all should get behind the innovative research efforts at the Mays Cancer Center to defeat cancer. I want my legacy to be that in the future, our children and grandchildren will not have to deal with the pain and fear of cancer. I hope my contribution creates a domino effect so others give what they can."
When she was a faculty member in the School of Nursing, Carol Reineck, Ph.D., RN, MSN '82 passed the names of donors displayed on the walls more times than she could count.
"When I walked by those names every day, I would think of how appreciative we were of the support from our alumni and community. When I lost a family member, those names suddenly had so much more significance. I decided then that I wanted to join that family of donors to the School of Nursing," Dr. Reineck said.
Dr. Reineck knows of the three stages of life – survival, success, and significance – and said she considers making a difference now and in the future an important part of every stage of her life.
For many, the last phase, significance, is when most look to make a difference beyond their physical presence. This is exactly what Dr. Reineck hoped to achieve by joining the list of names she had seen every day. Thus, she immediately began planning her legacy – her "future legacy."
To create her "future legacy," Dr. Reineck decided that a deferred gift annuity was the right gift for her. This allowed her to make a current gift, receive an income tax deduction, and ensure guaranteed annuity payments for life beginning at a time in the future that she determined.
"Life is uncertain," Dr. Reineck said. "For me, this gift option was perfect. I can help the School of Nursing and create a future income stream for myself that may help with unexpected expenses.
"The needs of our School of Nursing in the future are going to be great. As our university becomes less reliant on state support, we will be looking to private philanthropy to help us achieve our mission of educating the future generations of nurses. I am so honored to be a part of that future, and I hope that others will join me by creating their own future legacy."
Deborah Heritage will never forget the day her husband, John, awoke after his liver transplant surgery in San Antonio. "He was like a new person," Deborah said. "It was like a switch had turned on transporting him from death's door to life again."
Just two months earlier, while living in Chicago, the Heritages had been told by physicians there that John's rare AB blood type would most likely prevent him from undergoing transplant surgery.
Deborah's determination to help her husband led her to the University Transplant Center, a partnership of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and University Health System. Upon her first phone interview with the Center staff, Deborah said she felt an immediate connection. From then on, Deborah said the encouragement and support they received from the staff made them feel like part of the UT Health San Antonio family.
John received a new liver and a new lease on life in San Antonio. "Not only did the surgery save his life, the excellent post-op care John received prolonged and enhanced his quality of life for years after his transplant."
To celebrate her husband's life, and to recognize the compassionate care received from the UT Health physicians, tailored to fit John's needs and his personality, Deborah established the John D. and Deborah Heritage Endowed Award for Excellence in Transplantation. The gift supports talented residents in the field of transplantation.
In addition to this current gift, Deborah has named the UT Health Science Center the partial beneficiary of several life insurance policies that will increase her endowment in the future.
Naming UT Health San Antonio as the beneficiary of a retirement plan asset such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b), will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing a significant tax savings.
Through a provision in your written and executed will or living trust you can make a gift to UT Health San Antonio in the form of cash, securities, real estate or personal property. There are many types of bequests. Consult with your attorney to choose the one that best fits your needs and intentions.
You can turn underperforming assets (cash, stock, CDs, savings bonds, etc.) into a gift to UT Health San Antonio that provides income to you or you and a loved one. Your Charitable Gift Annuity will return fixed, quarterly payments for life and provide tax benefits, too.
When you donate appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares instead of cash, your gift costs you less than the amount UT Health San Antonio receives. You'll get a charitable deduction for the full amount of your gift and avoid the impact of capital gains taxes.
If you're 70 ½ or older, each year, you can instruct your IRA administrator to transfer all or part of your required minimum distribution (up to $108,000) directly to UT Health San Antonio and avoid paying the tax had you taken it as income.
Like stock, the fair market value of gifts of appreciated assets such as real estate, artwork, and other well curated collections can be deducted from your income tax today, avoid capital gains, and reduce estate taxes in the future. There are even ways to donate your home and live there as long as you'd like.
Name UT Health San Antonio as a beneficiary of your donor advised fund. Designate us to receive all or a portion of the balance of your fund through your fund administrator (you can also make a grant to us at any time from your donor-advised fund). The balance in your fund passes to UT Health San Antonio when the fund terminates.
Charitable Remainder Trusts provide you income from an asset that then passes to UT Health San Antonio as a gift. Charitable Lead Trusts provide income to UT Health before the asset passes to your heirs. For the savvy donor, charitable trusts can provide tax-advantaged income, eliminate capital gains, or preserve assets for your heirs.
Name UT Health San Antonio as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy; donate an existing, paid-up life insurance policy you no longer need; or purchase a new life insurance policy and name UT Health as the owner and beneficiary.
Include a bequest to UT Health San Antonio in your will. Make your bequest unrestricted or direct it to a specific purpose. Indicate a specific amount or percentage of the balance remaining in your estate.
If you express your gift as a percentage (e.g., "20 percent of the residue of my estate"), you can maintain the same relative gifts to charities and your heirs, regardless of changes in estate value. If you are considering designating your gift for a specific purpose, such as a scholarship fund, or support for a specific department, contact the Office of Gift Planning to ensure that we understand your wishes.
You may wish to share the following sample language with your attorney:
I give, devise and bequeath * to the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System ("Board) for the use and benefit of The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, (UTHSCSA).
Option A - Gift for General Use
This gift shall be used in support of (state purpose). These funds shall never become a part of the Permanent University Fund, the Available University Fund or the General Fund of the State of Texas and shall never be subject to appropriation by the Legislature of the State of Texas.
Option B - Gift to Create an Endowment
This gift shall be used to create the (name of endowment**) and shall be held in perpetuity for the benefit of the [SCHOOL, DEPARTMENT]. Funds distributed from the endowment shall be used to (state purpose). These funds shall never become a part of the Permanent University Fund, the Available University Fund or the General Fund of the State of Texas and shall never be subject to appropriation by the Legislature of the State of Texas.
Download the Sample Bequest Language Document Your GiftDesignate UT Health San Antonio as a beneficiary of part or all of your Retirement plan or your IRA. Normally the assets held in an IRA or retirement plan will be subject to both income tax and estate taxes, but if you name UT Health San Antonio as a beneficiary of a percentage (or all) of your plan, that portion will pass to UT Health San Antonio free of income or estate taxes.
Designate your bank account to be payable on death (P.O.D.) to UT Health San Antonio when you pass. There is no change in ownership, control, or benefit from this account while you are still alive. The payable on death designation operates only when you pass, and causes whatever funds that are in the account to go to UT Health San Antonio.
Designate your brokerage or investment account to be transferrable on death (T.O.D.) to UT Health San Antonio when you pass, to pay the assets of that account to your designated beneficiaries. It is not necessary for the T.O.D. designation to transfer all of the account solely to one beneficiary. You can designate certain percentages of the account to pass for each beneficiary To set up the TOD endorsement, contact your investment advisor and provide the instructions regarding the change.
A charitable gift annuity allows you to gain the security of a fixed, guaranteed income for life, receive a tax deduction for a portion of your gift, and make a gift to UT Health San Antonio that you may not have thought possible.
Sample single life gift annuity rates* Rates are subject to change. Please contact our office for current rates or the rate for your exact age.
Age | Rate |
65 | 5.1% |
70 | 5.6% |
75 | 6.2% |
80 | 7.3% |
85 | 8.3% |
90 | 9.5% |
At the passing of your last income beneficiary, remaining annuity assets are transferred to the University to be used for a purpose you may designate.
If you don't need income right away, you can obtain both a higher payout rate and a larger charitable deduction by establishing a charitable gift annuity. A charitable gift annuity allows you to receive a guaranteed, fixed income for life that begins when you need it, and receive a tax deduction for a portion of your gift to UT Health San Antonio.
At the passing of your last income beneficiary, the remaining annuity assets are transferred to the University to be used for a purpose you may designate.
Giving publicly traded shares of stock, bonds or mutual funds to UT Health San Antonio allows you to turn an appreciated asset into support for a purpose your choose such as scholarships, research or a particular program.
You'll receive a charitable income tax deduction for your gift, and as a qualified non-profit, UT Health San Antonio can then sell the stock without having to pay capital gains tax. All the proceeds from the sale will be used for the purposes you specify.
To create stock transfer instructions from your brokerage account to UT Health San Antonio's and notify us of your intentions, click here:
Make a Gift of StockOwn your own business? It is also possible to give closely held stock to UT Health San Antonio.
If you own your own business, you may not hold much publicly traded stock because most of the stock you own is in your business. And if you're like most entrepreneurs, the stock in your company has virtually no cost basis, making it subject to significant capital gains when you are ready to sell.
While potentially very tax-advantaged, gifts of closely held stock are not without their complexities and require thoughtful consideration on the part of all parties including: the shareholder, the company issuing the stock and UT Health San Antonio.
Download More Information About Closely Held StockUsing Real Estate to make a gift allows you to turn an asset into support for a purpose your choose such as scholarships, research or a particular program. at UT Health San Antonio, receive a charitable income tax deduction, and avoid paying capital gains taxes.
The real cost of your gift is reduced, since you'll save on income and capital gains taxes by giving appreciated property to UT Health San Antonio. You can use real estate to make a variety of different types of gifts, including:
Or, you can designate you gift to start an endowed fund or to support a particular project.
Download more details about gifts of real estateA Retained Life Estate allows you to make a gift of a personal residence to UT Health San Antonio, receive a tax deduction for a portion of your gift, and continue to use your property while you are still alive
At the end of your life, UT Health San Antonio can use the property or the proceeds from the sale of the property-either to create an endowment support for an area you specify.
Making a gift of life insurance allows you to transfer ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to UT Health San Antonio. UT Health San Antonio elects to cash in the policy now or hold it.
You may already use your Donor Advised Fund to make grants to UT Health San Antonio. You can also designate UT Health San Antonio to receive all or a portion of the balance of your fund through your fund administrator when the fund terminates.
As an agency within the government of the state of Texas, the UT Health Science Center is eligible for a grant from a Donor Advised Fund. Use EIN 74-1586031 when requesting a grant for UT Health San Antonio.
A Charitable Lead Trust allows you to give an annual gift to UT Health San Antonio for a period of time, receive a charitable income tax deduction, and receive the remaining assets back when the trust's term ends.
Download More Information About A Charitable Lead TrustThere are several types of lead trusts. In general, a charitable lead trust (CLT) makes payments to UT Health San Antonio now, while reducing your tax costs for transferring assets to your heirs in the future. Your financial advisor can determine which type of lead trust might be most beneficial for your planning purposes. A charitable lead trust is often appealing to individuals who wish to make a gift while retaining property or other important assets in their family.
Under a lead trust agreement, a donor contributes assets to a trust from which UT Health San Antonio will receive distributions for a set number of years or for the life of the individual. Depending of the type of lead trust, when the Lead Trust terminates, the assets are either returned to the donor or distributed to others (usually heirs).
This strategy can result in substantial tax savings. Although the amount given to a lead trust may be subject to taxes, the projected value of the charitable gift portion for UT Health San Antonio is subtracted from the trust amount in determining how much is actually taxable. As an added benefit, any increase in the value of the assets in the trust can pass to heirs free of gift and estate taxes. With careful planning the tax may be only a tiny percentage of what would otherwise be due if the assets were given to the heirs outright, and sometimes even eliminated.
The University receives an annual income from the trust. The income is either a fixed amount or a percentage of the trust assets' annual fair market value.
Trustee's suggested minimum funding amounts and fees will vary, but these trusts are typically funded with at least $500,000.
Charitable Remainder Unitrusts allow you to make a gift of cash, stock, or real estate to UT Health San Antonio, receive a tax deduction for a portion of your gift, and receive variable income from your unitrust for life.
Learn More About UnitrustsA Flip trust allows you to donate illiquid assets like business interests or assets earning little or no income like real estate to receive an immediate tax deduction, and allow the value of those assets to appreciate in the trust tax free. When they are sold, the trust 'flips' to a conventional charitable remainder trust and income payments to the beneficiary begin.
When the term of the trust is over, the trust assets are transferred to UT Health San Antonio to support the University's missions or for a purpose you designate.
The suggested minimum for establishing a charitable remainder unitrust through UT Health San Antonio is $100,000.
An IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), also known a Charitable IRA Rollover, allows you to make a gift to UT Health San Antonio directly from your IRA, pay no taxes on the transfer, and count the gift toward your required minimum distribution.
The IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution allows donors to exclude certain transfers of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) assets that are made directly to public charities from their taxable income.
An IRA qualified charitable distribution makes it easier to use IRA assets, during lifetime, to make charitable gifts.
An individual taxpayer's total IRA qualified charitable distribution gifts cannot exceed $108,000 per tax year.
Our Office of Gift Planning is available to assist you in refining your goals and objectives. We can work with you and your advisors to help you explore practical ways to meet your planning and philanthropic goals. Discussing your charitable intentions with the Office of Gift Planning will help ensure your gift makes the impact your desire.
In addition to the personal satisfaction of your gift benefitting the lives of others, charitable gifts may structured to provide tax benefits, supplement retirement income, or provide financial support for a loved one.